Iccrea is the main sponsor of the 30th Giro Rosa.

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The new Maglia Rosa Iccrea has been presented today in Milan.

Rubattu, General Director of Iccrea Banca: “We contribute to emerge the importance of the female universe in the sport and society”.

Milan, 27th February 2019

The Giro Rosa Iccrea is born. The 30th edition of the Giro Rosa, the women cycling race that will take place in the North of Italy, has Iccrea Group as main sponsor. The new sponsorship, lasting three years, has been presented today in Milan during a press conference.

This is the for the new Cooperative Bank Group, which has chosen the opportunity of the Giro Rosa to glorify the central role of the woman in today’s society. As well, because the Group thinks that the potential of women, sometimes unexpress, deserves to be promoted in every range – starting from the professional – to support a continuous, cultural and social evolution. In the end,for a strong share of the sport values of cycling, like the promotion of the single athlete, without forgetting the cooperation and the force that make a team united to the finish.

The choice of the sponsorship is coherent with the Cooperative Credit Banks which, like cycling, express a strong interation with the territory. There are 142 Banks which have accepted to the Iccrea Cooperative Bank Group, with 2641 offices and 4.2 million of guests. There are 46 BCC Banks in the Central-Northern Italy, twelve are directly involved or are near the route of the Giro: Banca d’Alba, Banca Alpi Marittime, BCC Carate Brianza, BCC Brianza e Laghi, BCC di Triuggio e della Valle del Lambro, BCC Milano, CRA Cantù, Banca San Giorgio Quinto Valle Agno, Banca di Udine, CrediFriuli, BCC Pordenonese, Banca della Marca.

“In Group we arrive everywhere” is the new claim that will carry the participation of Iccrea at the Giro Rosa as Main Sponsor. A claim that distinguish the approach of the athletes who will race the Giro, and at the same time will carry the birth and the work of Iccrea Cooperative Bank Group with all the BCC as first Local Bank of the Country.

“This partnership makes us proud, not just because it is the first sponsorship of Iccrea, but first because it proves the effort that Icrea is producing to give value to the female universe to support, more generally, the “System Country”” – says Leonardo Rubattu, general Director of Iccrea Banca. – “In the last decade” – continues Rubattu – “the presence of women at the top of the BCC but I think that there is still a lot to do.”

The importance that sport has in the process of the female emancipation has not to be forgotten.

“The years since Pierre De Coubertin, creator of the modern Olympic Games, said that the female participation seemed to be useless and unestethic.” Today the athletes work hard and obtain wins at the same level of men, or even more. But the connection between sport and women, especially in our Country, remains complicated. This sponsorship is a sign that we want to give to change or modify this situation.

The Giro Rosa Iccrea realizes a strong synergy between the territory and the BCC that find themselves near or in the route, and thanks to its diffusion, they can give a help to their customers and partners.”

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The Maglia Rosa of the Giro Rosa

The Maglia Rosa is since many decades a symbol of the national and international cycling. The leader of the Giro Rosa General Classification wears it. The Giro Rosa is the longest and most prestigious stage race of women’s cycling. It is in the Women’s World Tour, created by the UCI to replace the Road World Cup.

The last Giro Rosa winner is the Dutch Annemiek Van Vleuten, Time Trial World Champion in two editions, who in 2018 dominated literally the competition directed by Giuseppe Rivolta. The South-African Ashleigh Moolman-Pasio arrived second, and the Australian Amanda Spratt third.

Fabiana Luperini is the most-winning athlete of the Giro Rosa, with 5 victories overall in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2008. Marianne Vos (Netherlands) and Nicole Brandli (Switzerland) follow with 3 wins.

“The activity of women is, more than ever, very important” – commented the President of the Italian Cycling Federation Renato Di Rocco – “The Giro Rosa this year has its 30th edition, the most important international stage race, and its level increases year by year with the direction by Giuseppe Rivolta.”

Photo (c) Flaviano Ossola – Permission for free use of the photos

Un pensiero su “Iccrea is the main sponsor of the 30th Giro Rosa.

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